Attractions information

Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

Waterways have always been an integral part of Thai life and many communities depended entirely on them for their daily existence.

Long before cars, boats of all shapes and sizes plied the rivers and canals through the kingdom of Thailand, trading their wares and delivering their supplies.
The Floating Market at Damnoen Saduak is located in Ratchaburi Province which is just over 100 kms or two hours drive from the capital city of Bangkok.

This is a particularly fertile area, being irrigated by a 32 kilometre straight-line canal constructed by King Rama IV way back in 1866.

It connects the Taachin River with the Mae Klong River and became a major transport artery between the provinces of Samut Sakorn and Samut Songkram.

Apart from providing transportation, Damnoen Saduak Canal also provides year-round water, with more than 200 small canals having been dug by farmers to irrigate their land.

The area is famous for the quality of its fruit, namely grapes, mangoes, bananas, oranges, papaya & coconut.

Nowadays, both sides of the canal are densely populated and bright and early every morning vendors from the surrounding area turn up to trade their wares.

Attractions information

Death Railway Wang Pho Viaduct

The Death Railway is a section of the Thai-Burma line which was built to support the Japanese occupation of Burma during World War 2. The Wang Po Viaduct is a wooden lattice structure that supports the railway line around a cliff wall with the River Kwai below and is quite spectacular.

The twice-daily train service runs from Thonburi to Nam Tok station, which is the end of the line now. It is a slow trip as the third class train stops at every little station on the way and the scenery is not so interesting.

However, once the train arrives in Kanchanaburi, everything changes. First off, the train crosses the Bridge over the River Kwai and then follows the river providing some spectacular scenery.

The highlight of course, is the train crawling around the Wang Pho viaduct and it will allow you time to reflect on the 100,000 conscripted Asian labourers and 16,000 Allied POWs who died during its construction. The two main viaducts followed the bottom of the cliff for some distance. A ledge had to be carved out of the cliff face to form a base for the bridge and embankment construction.

Near the station is the Krasae Cave, which houses a fine Buddha figure and offers a spectacular view over the River Kwai. This cave was used by the POWs as a hospital during the construction of the railway.

Attractions information

Kanchanaburi Province

Kanchanaburi Province which borders Myanmar (Burma) to the north-west is the third largest Thailand's of seventy six provinces.

It is located 130 km west of Bangkok and has a population of about 735,000 of which 54,000 live in Kanchanaburi town itself. This is a most picturesque part of Thailand.

Kanchanaburi town was originally established by King Rama I as a first line of defence against the Burmese, who might use the old invasion route through the Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burma border.

The magnificent landscape & charming beauty of Kanchanaburi have resulted in major tourist attractions including the well-known Erawan Waterfalls, caves which were once inhabited by Neolithic man, pristine national parks, tranquil rivers, virgin forests, and reservoir.

Together, they offer an intriguing experience whether you are visiting for the first-time or returning for another visit.

Whatever your personal interest: fishing, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, bird-watching, star-gazing, golfing, elephants, tigers, jungle trekking or even living on bamboo rafts, Kanchanaburi takes pride in offering them all.

Local residents of Kanchanaburi are engaged in agricultural activities as this is one of the most fertile provinces. Most of the locals are of Thai ancestry with notable Mon and Karen minorities.

Attractions information

Hellfire Pass Museum

The Hellfire Pass Museum is co-sponsored by the Thai and Australian governments to commemorate the suffering of those Prisoners of War involved in the construction of the railway connecting Thailand and Burma during World War II.

You can walk down into Konyu Cutting itself and along the old track.

Hellfire Pass or Konyu Cutting was a particularly difficult section of the line to build, not only because it was the largest rock cutting on the railway, but also because of its remoteness and the lack of proper construction tools during building.

The Australian, British, Dutch and other allied Prisoners of War were required to work 18 hours a day to complete the cutting and many died from cholera, dysentery, starvation, and exhaustion during the six weeks it took to complete.

A new walkway has recently completed down into the cutting which has made things a lot easier. You can say a quiet word of thanks to the builders on the way down. However, you'll still need decent shoes because the rail bed is stony and the rocks are hard on your feet.

From Konyu Cutting, the walking trail follows the alignment of the original Burma-Thailand railway for approximately four kilometres from Hellfire Pass to beyond Compressor Cutting.

Attractions information

Tiger Cubs @ Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. (we will feed the Tiger, age less than one year)

Attractions information

Wildlife Sanctuary Kanchanaburi

Only a short drive into the beautiful countryside of Kanchanaburi province will take you to a man-made habitat where a variety of Asian & African animals roam freely- lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras and bears.

This is the Wildlife Sanctuary.

The landscaping at the Wildlife Sanctuary is beautifully designed and offers great insights into the habits of the animals.

The best way to see everything is to take one of the park buses. Bowls of food to feed the animals - bananas, vegetables etc. The driver will take you slowly through each section of the park, giving you excellent photo opportunities as well as plenty of "up close and personal" time with the animals, most notably the giraffes who will "invade" the bus for some food...great fun!

Hellfire Pass & Tiger Exclusive program Two Day Tour (Code:2116)

Pick a day and people

THB  26,500.00

THB  32,400.00

THB  39,700.00

THB  49,200.00

THB  59,000.00

THB  68,600.00

THB  78,300.00

THB  88,000.00

THB  96,900.00

THB  107,400.00

THB  126,200.00

THB  135,900.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

If you'd like to visit Hellfire Pass and the Death Railway and second day you get a whole morning at the Wildlife Sanctuary which will be one of the highlights of this memorable. this is the perfect tour for you. We'll stop at the Floating Market in Ratchaburi province on the way up to Kanchanaburi

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With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

07:00 - Day 1 Departs.

07:00 - Pick-up from Hotel

Please wait in the lobby of your hotel. We'll meet you there.

08:30 - Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

We'll stop on the way so you can take a boat ride through the floating market. This is probably Thailand's most photographed place and they have lots of tasty snacks which you can buy from the boats as you pass.Read More >

11:00 - War Cemetery Kanchanaburi

First stop in Kanchanaburi is at the War Cemetery where the local guide will join you.

11:30 - Walk along Death Railway

This is rated one of the best rail journeys in the world and you'll especially like the Wang Pho Viaduct which clings to the cliff face with the river far below. Read More >

12:00 - Lunch in Thai Restaurant

We'll stop for lunch in one of the local Thai restaurants.Read More >

13:00 - Hellfire Pass & Konyu Cutting

The museum is one of the best in the country and gives an insight into the construction of the 'Death Railway' connecting Thailand and Burma. You can also walk down into Konyu Cutting and see for yourself the work done by WWII Prisoners of War.Read More >

17:30 - Check-in to your Hotel

Time to check-in to your hotel for the night. Have a shower and relax before dinner.

19:00 - Dinner at the Resort

Relax and enjoy the variety of Thai cuisine in the Restaurant at the Resort.

08:30 - Day 2 Departs

08:30 - Depart for Wildlife Sanctuary Safari Park Kanchanaburi

09:30 - Tiger Cubs, Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

Tiger Cubs with a three difference species 'Leopard, Lion or Tiger cubs' seasonal. Depend on the time when we'll visit! So you'll be able to feed and play with them, this is a very rewarding experience.Read More >

10:30 - Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

The giraffes here will make your day. Their long necks just keep coming and coming to find the food they know is in the bus.Read More >

11:30 - Lunch at Thai Restaurant

From the Tiger Temple we'll drive to a local Thai restaurant for lunch.

12:30 - Depart for Bangkok

All good things must come to an end, so it's time to head back to the city.

15:00 - Arrive Back at Hotel

You can expect to be back at your hotel in Bangkok around 3:00 pm depending on the traffic.

Important Information

Konyu Cutting requires some effort & you need sensible shoes.
