Attractions information

Bridge over the River Kwai

The Bridge over the River Kwai was built during World War II for the Japanese Army using Allied POWs.

Altogether, 61,700 British, American, Australian, Dutch and New Zealand soldiers and a large number of Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Malaysian, Thai, Burmese and Indian labourers were involved.
Two bridges were actually built side by side. A wooden trestle bridge, which is no longer there, was completed in February 1943 and an eleven span steel bridge completed in April 1943.

This bridge had been dismantled by the Japanese and brought to Kanchanaburi from Java in 1942. The central spans were destroyed by Allied bombings and rebuilt by British Army Engineers immediately after the war.

It was part of the strategic railway linking Thailand with Burma. During the construction of the bridge over the Khwae Yai River - River Kwai as it is known among foreigners - the brutalities of war, disease and starvation claimed thousands of POWs lives.

The bridge was immortalised in the book by Pierre Boulle entitled The Bridge Over The River Kwai and later in the movie of the same name. Unfortunately, he had never been to Kanchanaburi or he would have known that the railway does not cross the River Kwai. It actually crosses the Mae Klong River, so the Thai authorities simply renamed the river to aid tourism!

Attractions information

Elephant Bathing

In Thailand, elephants are the most revered of all animals and still play an active part within Thai society and culture.

In the past they have been used at the forefront of battles and in more recent times to assist in the logging trade. Now, visitors have the opportunity to bathe them.

Despite their vast size, elephants are remarkably agile and are particularly adept at negotiating the narrow tracks in the forest. It's a little nerve wracking, especially when they are going downhill and so make sure you hold on tight.

They often pause along the way, bending far out to pluck some tasty morsel, oblivious to you perched high on their back.

Be warned that their hair is prickly so shorts are not the best attire for this experience.

You will be able to bathe the elephants in the waters of the local river. You'll get wet, so don't forget your swimmers. We'll provide the life jackets for you if you want.

Attractions information

Tiger Cubs @ Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. (we will feed the Tiger, age less than one year)

Elephant Bathing Tour and Tiger Cub Feeding  (Code:1509*)

Pick a day and people

THB  13,400.00

THB  13,400.00

THB  15,400.00

THB  20,000.00

THB  25,000.00

THB  26,400.00

THB  28,700.00

THB  32,000.00

THB  35,100.00

THB  50,000.00

THB  51,400.00

THB  52,800.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

Elephants!!! Here you can ride an elephant down to the river for its morning scrub. And also you'll be able to feed the tigers in the afternoon at Wildlife Sanctuary Safari.

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A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

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Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

06:30 - Pick up from Hotel

Please wait in the lobby of the hotel. Remember to take a change of clothes because you'll get wet bathing the elephants.

09:00 - Bridge over the River Kwai

First stop in Kanchanaburi will be at the Bridge over the River Kwai. You can take a walk across the bridge but take care as there are no safety barriers. The local English-speaking guide will join you here.Read More >

09:30 - Depart for Elephant Camp

10:30 - Bathe Elephants in River Kwai

You'll be able to carry on to the river where you can bathe the elephants. Be prepared to get wet and you will get some great experience and will never forgets with the elephant!!!Read More >

11:00 - Depart for Thai Restaurant

11:15 - Lunch in Local Thai Restaurant

Lunch will be served in a local Thai restaurant.

12:00 - Depart for Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

13:00 - Tiger Cub @ Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

Tiger Cubs - So you'll be able to feed and play with the tiger, this is a very rewarding experience.Read More >

13:30 - Depart for Bangkok

You can relax in air conditioned comfort while the driver returns you to Bangkok.

16:30 - Arrive at your hotel

You can expect to be back at your residence by about 04:30 pm depending on the traffic.

Important Information

Tiger Cubs will be one of a three difference species ‘Leopard, Lion or Tiger cubs’ seasonal. Depend on the time when we’ll visit!
