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Elephant and Tiger tour

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Attractions information

Ampawa Village

Ampawa is a district in Samut Songkram province, which is only an hour and a half from Bangkok.

Although it is the smallest of the 76 provinces in Thailand, it has an amazing network of 330 canals and on Saturday and Sundays has its own Floating Market in the evenings.

In Ampawa many pleasant Thai families have opened their homes so that visitors can get a glimpse of their enviable lifestyle. Homestays cater for romantic couples, small groups of friends and large groups of students, with accommodation to suit.

The best way to get around Ampawa is to walk and there are many picturesque lanes which run along the canals. Teakwood homes are built on stilts and inside, you'll find these homes in immaculate condition.

The night-time boat trip on the Mae Klong River lets you enter the enchanting world of fireflies swarming in the trees along the river bank. It's an unbelievable sight, as entire trees are aglow with flashing yellow lights.

A visit to the temple at Wat Bangkae Noi is a must because the interior walls & ceiling of the main chapel have intricate teakwood carvings and time spent here will leave you in awe of the fine craftsmanship found in these carvings.

Ampawa is famous for its TaoTan Palm Sugar and also for the hand-painted porcelain crockery called Benjarong.

Attractions information

Benjarong Porcelain

Benjarong is exquisite crockery made from clear-glazed porcelain and hand painted in traditional patterns by Thai artists.

Benjarong means 'five colors' with each piece crafted from clay, fired in a charcoal oven, then hand painted with any or all of the five colors in 18th Century tradition.

The Benjarong ceramics of Ampawa are precious works of art, created through devotion, long practice and the ability of a community to come together to create genuine delicate, traditional Benjarong porcelain.

Popular among Thai royalty and the elite classes for their domestic use from the ancient Ayudhaya period to the early twentieth century, Benjarong was initially produced in China for the Thai royal court according to Thai designs. But later Thai craftsmen were able to produce Benjarong pottery by themselves.

Benjarong reached its zenith during the reigns of King Rama II - King Rama V, when an almost endless number of exquisite designs were developed and produced, many of which are now highly treasured.

These days, Benjarong porcelain of Samut Songkhram is often been as a gift for participants at national and international events. For example, Ban Phinsuwan Benjarong, produced beautiful mementos for the world leaders attending the 2004 APEC meeting hosted by Thailand.

Attractions information

Thai Massage

Thailand has a doubtful reputation regarding its liberal interpretation of a 'massage', but a genuine Thai massage is one of the must-do aspects of your visit here.

Traditional Thai Massage, which is based on a holistic vision of health, uses a variety of techniques including yoga and meditation.

Traditional Thai Massage is characterised by three main elements:

First, stretching exercises for dynamic and fluid, in a back and forth continuous rhythm, these exercises are generally based on yoga postures, but no prior knowledge of this discipline is required.

Secondly, the Thai massage has an energy at work, which is to perform exercises, massage and put pressure on specific regions or specific points along the energy lines of the body, which are similar to acupuncture meridians. The therapist exerts pressure with the palms, finger, arms, forearms, elbows and feet.

Thirdly, each massage is conducted with an attitude of meditation and contemplation. Accordingly, manipulation, stretching exercises and special attention to breathing promote blood circulation, help to relieve muscle tension and energy blockages and restore the body flexibility and mobility.

The effect of a relaxing Thai massage soothes the mind and induces a state of general well-being, both physical and spiritual.

Attractions information

Fireflies in Ampawa

The night-time boat trip on the Mae Klong River provides the opportunity to enter the enchanting world of the fireflies as they swarm in the Lampu trees along the river bank.

It's an unbelievable sight as entire trees are aglow with flashing yellow lights. Thailand has over 100 species of firefly.

The firefly is an insect which is particularly known for its characteristic luminescence. It has special abdominal organs, which cause a chemical reaction with the organic synthesis of an enzyme called luciferasi.

The fireflies at Ampawa are unique in that they flash synchronously with each other. Fireflies use the flashing light to find and communicate with potential mates.

While most North American firefly species are rovers, twinkling in the characteristic patterns of their species as they fly, Ampawa's fireflies flash in unison creating a spectacular communal display for their mates, akin to a Christmas tree all alight.

Males of the Pteroptyx genus congregate in the lampu trees near water and flash rhythmically for several hours per night. In cycles lasting several seconds, "firefly trees" appear at first completely dark until all of the constituent fireflies light up simultaneously. Often, the same tree acts as a locus for such congregations for several nights consecutively. This is unforgettable.

Attractions information

Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

Waterways have always been an integral part of Thai life and many communities depended entirely on them for their daily existence.

Long before cars, boats of all shapes and sizes plied the rivers and canals through the kingdom of Thailand, trading their wares and delivering their supplies.
The Floating Market at Damnoen Saduak is located in Ratchaburi Province which is just over 100 kms or two hours drive from the capital city of Bangkok.

This is a particularly fertile area, being irrigated by a 32 kilometre straight-line canal constructed by King Rama IV way back in 1866.

It connects the Taachin River with the Mae Klong River and became a major transport artery between the provinces of Samut Sakorn and Samut Songkram.

Apart from providing transportation, Damnoen Saduak Canal also provides year-round water, with more than 200 small canals having been dug by farmers to irrigate their land.

The area is famous for the quality of its fruit, namely grapes, mangoes, bananas, oranges, papaya & coconut.

Nowadays, both sides of the canal are densely populated and bright and early every morning vendors from the surrounding area turn up to trade their wares.

Attractions information

Ratchaburi Ceramics Factory

Ratchaburi Province abounds with local attractions and historic sites dating back to the Dvaravati period when it was known as the City of Kings.

It is located on the bank of the Mae Klong River 100 kms from Bangkok and is renowned for the quality of its clay which produces wonderful ceramics.

Famed for its fine clay, which is the prime ingredient for successful ceramics, Ratchaburi has for a long time been the major producer of large Chinese-style water jars distinguished by their dull brown glaze and flowers or dragons in mustard yellow.

These were commonly used for dipping showers. At one time, the jars were piled by the hundreds on to barges and towed up the canals for sale in Bangkok. One can occasionally still see a barge being loaded along the quay.

Nowadays, Ratchaburi boasts 59 ceramic factories, where craftsmen still fashion traditional water jars.

However, local potters have branched out these days, producing ceramics of startling beauty and many international ceramic companies have their factories in Ratchaburi.

Attractions information

Bridge over the River Kwai

The Bridge over the River Kwai was built during World War II for the Japanese Army using Allied POWs.

Altogether, 61,700 British, American, Australian, Dutch and New Zealand soldiers and a large number of Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Malaysian, Thai, Burmese and Indian labourers were involved.
Two bridges were actually built side by side. A wooden trestle bridge, which is no longer there, was completed in February 1943 and an eleven span steel bridge completed in April 1943.

This bridge had been dismantled by the Japanese and brought to Kanchanaburi from Java in 1942. The central spans were destroyed by Allied bombings and rebuilt by British Army Engineers immediately after the war.

It was part of the strategic railway linking Thailand with Burma. During the construction of the bridge over the Khwae Yai River - River Kwai as it is known among foreigners - the brutalities of war, disease and starvation claimed thousands of POWs lives.

The bridge was immortalised in the book by Pierre Boulle entitled The Bridge Over The River Kwai and later in the movie of the same name. Unfortunately, he had never been to Kanchanaburi or he would have known that the railway does not cross the River Kwai. It actually crosses the Mae Klong River, so the Thai authorities simply renamed the river to aid tourism!

Attractions information

Death Railway Wang Pho Viaduct

The Death Railway is a section of the Thai-Burma line which was built to support the Japanese occupation of Burma during World War 2. The Wang Po Viaduct is a wooden lattice structure that supports the railway line around a cliff wall with the River Kwai below and is quite spectacular.

The twice-daily train service runs from Thonburi to Nam Tok station, which is the end of the line now. It is a slow trip as the third class train stops at every little station on the way and the scenery is not so interesting.

However, once the train arrives in Kanchanaburi, everything changes. First off, the train crosses the Bridge over the River Kwai and then follows the river providing some spectacular scenery.

The highlight of course, is the train crawling around the Wang Pho viaduct and it will allow you time to reflect on the 100,000 conscripted Asian labourers and 16,000 Allied POWs who died during its construction. The two main viaducts followed the bottom of the cliff for some distance. A ledge had to be carved out of the cliff face to form a base for the bridge and embankment construction.

Near the station is the Krasae Cave, which houses a fine Buddha figure and offers a spectacular view over the River Kwai. This cave was used by the POWs as a hospital during the construction of the railway.

Attractions information

Hin Tok River Camp

Hintok River Camp is a luxurious safari tented camp in a beautiful setting where you are surrounded by the sight & sounds of nature.

Located on a historical piece of land near Hellfire Pass, it's right on the pinnacle of Hintok mountain in Kanchanaburi where the historic river Kwai runs through.

Hintok River Camp is set on the ridge of Hintok mountain which allows for sweeping views of the River Kwai.

The camp offers a quality style of relaxation with thirty two spaciously deluxe canvas tents featuring private bathrooms and outdoor showers with hot water, air-conditioning, private veranda and luxury furniture. The tents are all settled permanently on a wooden base and feature twin and queen size beds.

There's a restaurant & bar which provides drinks and tasty hygienic food arranged by a qualified chef. While you enjoy your food and drinks, you will find yourself sitting among the tropical trees where you can hear the sound of nature.

There is also a natural spring water pool just adjacent to the River Kwai Noi and from here you can enjoy the magnificent sunset to the full.

Each evening a BBQ dinner will be provided on the lush green grass just in front of your comfy canvas tents.

Relax in this wonderfully peaceful environment and feel at one with nature.

Attractions information

Hellfire Pass Museum

The Hellfire Pass Museum is co-sponsored by the Thai and Australian governments to commemorate the suffering of those Prisoners of War involved in the construction of the railway connecting Thailand and Burma during World War II.

You can walk down into Konyu Cutting itself and along the old track.

Hellfire Pass or Konyu Cutting was a particularly difficult section of the line to build, not only because it was the largest rock cutting on the railway, but also because of its remoteness and the lack of proper construction tools during building.

The Australian, British, Dutch and other allied Prisoners of War were required to work 18 hours a day to complete the cutting and many died from cholera, dysentery, starvation, and exhaustion during the six weeks it took to complete.

A new walkway has recently completed down into the cutting which has made things a lot easier. You can say a quiet word of thanks to the builders on the way down. However, you'll still need decent shoes because the rail bed is stony and the rocks are hard on your feet.

From Konyu Cutting, the walking trail follows the alignment of the original Burma-Thailand railway for approximately four kilometres from Hellfire Pass to beyond Compressor Cutting.

Attractions information

Tiger Temple Classic Afternoon

In Kanchanaburi Province there is a forest temple, founded in 1994, which has become a sanctuary for numerous wild animals including many tigers.

While it is more commonly known as The Tiger Temple, its Thai name is Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua Yannasampanno.
The abbot, Phra Acharn Phusit, has been caring for abandoned tigers since 1999. The mother of the first cub he took in had been killed by poachers. The first tiger cub died from its injuries, but a few weeks later two more tiger cubs were rescued from poachers and brought to the temple.

Word soon spread and more abandoned or injured tigers were brought to the temple. By 2005 there were 17 tigers at the temple. Seven were orphans rescued from the wild and ten have been born and bred here at the temple.

The monastery is situated adjacent to Burma. Protected areas and national parks along the Thai-Burma border are believed to contain the largest surviving populations of tigers in Thailand.

Unfortunately, while these areas are protected, poaching still occurs. A poacher can earn several years of a farmer's salary for killing a tiger, so the profit is well worth the risk. After the mother tiger is killed the cubs are taken as a bonus, or left to fend for themselves in the jungle and if found are left here.

Attractions information

Ride & Bathe Elephants

In Thailand, elephants are the most revered of all animals and still play an active part within Thai society and culture.

In the past they have been used at the forefront of battles and in more recent times to assist in the logging trade. Now, visitors have the opportunity to ride and bathe them.

Despite their vast size, elephants are remarkably agile and are particularly adept at negotiating the narrow tracks in the forest. It's a little nerve wracking, especially when they are going downhill and so make sure you hold on tight.

They often pause along the way, bending far out to pluck some tasty morsel, oblivious to you perched high on their back.

The mahout will jump off during your trek and invite you to slide down onto the elephant's neck and take control. Be warned that their hair is prickly so shorts are not the best attire for this experience.

And also you will be able to bathe the elephants in the waters of the local river. You'll get wet, so don't forget your swimmers. We'll provide the life jackets for you if you want.

Important Information

Not every tour includes bathing the elephants. Please check the Tour Programme.

Attractions information

Kanchanaburi Province

Kanchanaburi Province which borders Myanmar (Burma) to the north-west is the third largest Thailand's of seventy six provinces.

It is located 130 km west of Bangkok and has a population of about 735,000 of which 54,000 live in Kanchanaburi town itself. This is a most picturesque part of Thailand.

Kanchanaburi town was originally established by King Rama I as a first line of defence against the Burmese, who might use the old invasion route through the Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burma border.

The magnificent landscape & charming beauty of Kanchanaburi have resulted in major tourist attractions including the well-known Erawan Waterfalls, caves which were once inhabited by Neolithic man, pristine national parks, tranquil rivers, virgin forests, and reservoir.

Together, they offer an intriguing experience whether you are visiting for the first-time or returning for another visit.

Whatever your personal interest: fishing, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, bird-watching, star-gazing, golfing, elephants, tigers, jungle trekking or even living on bamboo rafts, Kanchanaburi takes pride in offering them all.

Local residents of Kanchanaburi are engaged in agricultural activities as this is one of the most fertile provinces. Most of the locals are of Thai ancestry with notable Mon and Karen minorities.

Attractions information

Erawan National Park

Erawan National Park is 550 sq. km. of deciduous forest with high mountains and valleys, located in Kanchanaburi Province. The mountains protect the park from the eastern monsoon. Its major attraction is the Erawan Falls, a magnificent seven-tiered waterfall which you can climb if you feel inclined.

Erawan National Park is in the Tenasserim Mountain Range and is one of the finest natural attractions in the country. The park is best known for its seven-tiered waterfall topped by a rock formation shaped like a three-headed elephant. From its crest, clear water tumbles 1,500 meters down steep-sided cliffs in a series of cascades to rock pools shaded by dense foliage.

The park is open all year although the Rainy Season from May to October is not the best time to visit as there are frequent storms throughout that period. The Cool Season runs from November to January and this is a much more pleasant time to visit. February to April is the Hot Season and temperatures get quite high, but you have the pools at each level to cool off in!

The park contains five different wildlife habitats for mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and freshwater fauna. There are elephants, tigers, sambar deer, wild boar, white-handed gibbon, langur, Siamese hare, red flying squirrels and king cobras to be found in the park.

Provincial Thailand Four Day Tour  (Code:4102)

Pick a day and people

THB  84,000.00

THB  87,000.00

THB  98,600.00

THB  119,700.00

THB  142,000.00

THB  155,000.00

THB  174,100.00

THB  195,000.00

THB  212,400.00

THB  284,000.00

THB  297,000.00

THB  310,000.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

If you have been to Bangkok before and now you want to see something different, then this tour is perfect for you. It provides a more relaxed look at some of Bangkok's neighbouring provinces and includes a high standard of accommodation not normally associated with this kind of tour.

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

12:00 - Day 1 Departs

12:00 - Pickup from Airport or Hotel

Exact time of pickup will depend on when you arrive in Bangkok. However, many flights arrive mid-morning so we'll start from midday.

14:30 - Arrive at Ampawa Village

Ampawa is only a couple of hours from Bangkok and we'll go directly to your luxury accommodation. Read More >

15:00 - Benjarong Porcelain

We'll visit one of the original places where artists produce the famous Benjarong porcelain. You'll be amazed at the artistic skill portrayed here.Read More >

16:00 - Traditional Thai Massage

One of the pleasures of Thailand is to be pampered with a Thai massage. Lay back and enjoy the experience.Read More >

18:00 - Dinner at Local Thai Restaurant

Enjoy the variety and freshness of local Thai cuisine before taking the boat trip to see the fireflies.

19:00 - Fireflies Boat Trip

The highlight of any trip to Ampawa is the light show which nature provides every evening along the banks of the Mae Klong River, courtesy of the myriad fireflies searching for a mate. Read More >

07:00 - Day 2 Departs

07:00 - Depart for Ratchaburi Province

We'll leave nice and early so we can stop at the morning floating market on the way. If you want to give food to the monks on their morning alms round, we'll wake you about 05:30!

08:00 - Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

This is the original floating market and it opens every day at day break. You'll be there before the tourist buses arrive from Bangkok and will be able to enjoy the sights and sounds of a busy market place. Great snacks can be bought here.Read More >

10:30 - Ratchaburi Ceramics Factory

Ratchaburi boasts the best clay in Thailand and is therefore the centre of the ceramic business for the whole country. You'll be able to watch artisans at work creating both traditional and contemporary ceramics. Read More >

12:00 - Lunch in a Local Thai Restaurant

Thai people love to eat and there are restaurants everywhere, so we'll stop along the way for some nutritious and delicious lunch.

15:00 - Bridge over River Kwai Kanchanaburi

First stop in Kanchanaburi will be at the famous Bridge over the River Kwai. You'll have time for a wander across the bridge but please be careful as there are no safety rails.Read More >

16:00 - Walk along 'Death Railway'

We'll take a walk along the track on the Wang Pho Viaduct so you can see the most dramatic part of this rail journey which is ranked in the top ten in the world. Read More >

17:30 - Check in to Hintok River Camp

Hintok River Camp at Hellfire Pass is a safari tented camp stunningly located on a historical piece of land upon the pinnacle of Hintok mountain where the historical river Kwai runs through.Read More >

19:00 - Dinner at your Leisure

Time to relax and enjoy the tranquility of this unique setting. When you're ready come on down for dinner.

08:30 - Day 3 Departs

08:30 - Hellfire Pass

After breakfast we'll take to short trip up to Hellfire Pass where you can look through the museum and walk down into Konyu cutting if you feel inclined. Otherwise, enjoy the view from the viewing platform adjacent to the museum.Read More >

11:30 - Lunch in a Local Thai Restaurant.

Now that you've built up an appetite, you'll be ready for lunch.

12:30 - Tiger Temple Wat Pha Luang

The afternoon program provides opportunity to see tiger cubs, young tigers and full-grown adults frolicking in the waterfall and bathing in the canyon pool.Read More >

15:00 - Ride & Bathe Elephants

It's only a short drive from the Tiger Temple to the Elephant Camp, where you can experience the mystique of riding your own elephant through the jungle and then taking it into the river for it's afternoon shampoo and scrub. Read More >

17:30 - Check in to Resort in Kanchanaburi Town

Tonight we'll stay in the town, so once you've had a shower you can relax beside the pool until you're ready for dinner.Read More >

08:00 - Day 4 Departs

08:00 - Erawan National Park

One of the most beautiful places in Kanchanaburi Province is the Erawan National Park and we'll spend most of the day here. Read More >

15:00 - Depart for Bangkok

All good things must come to an end, so sit back and relax while your driver returns you to your hotel in Bangkok.

17:30 - Arrive at your Hotel in Bangkok

You can expect to be back at your hotel around 5:30 in the afternoon depending on the traffic. If you have and place to catch or ship to board we will make sure you are back in time!

Important Information

At the Tiger Temple, women must cover their shoulders and knees. Tank tops, short skirts, shorts, shawls and scarves are not permitted. Tights cannot be worn as an outer garment. Also, bright colours like red, orange and pink are not allowed.


Attractions information

Don Rak War Cemetery Kanchanaburi

The Don Rak War Cemetery in Kanchanaburi is the final resting place of 6,982 Allied POWs who perished during the construction of the Death Railway during World War II.

There is another cemetery at Chungkai just outside Kanchanaburi.

Don Rak War Cemetery in Kanchanaburi is maintained in beautiful condition by the Australian Government and is a sober reminder of those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we could live in peace.

The Kanchanaburi War Cemetery is only a short distance from the site of the former 'Kanburi', the prisoner of war base camp through which most of the prisoners passed on their way to other camps.

The graves are marked with horizontal bronze plaques set into the grass. Scarlet, purple and white bougainvillaea tumbles over the surrounding walls and flowering trees and shrubs dot the grounds. It seems a strange thing to say, but this is truly a beautiful place.

Within the entrance building to the cemetery will be found the Kanchanaburi Memorial, recording the names of eleven men of the army of undivided India buried in Muslim cemeteries in Thailand, where their graves could not be maintained.

The Don Rak War Cemetery is the location of the ANZAC Day Wreath-laying Ceremony held on 25th April each year.

Important Information

On wet days, the lawn cemetery is off-limits to the public.

If you wish to see a specific grave, please bring the number with you as there are two main cemeteries in Kanchanaburi.

Attractions information

Bridge over the River Kwai

The Bridge over the River Kwai was built during World War II for the Japanese Army using Allied POWs.

Altogether, 61,700 British, American, Australian, Dutch and New Zealand soldiers and a large number of Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Malaysian, Thai, Burmese and Indian labourers were involved.
Two bridges were actually built side by side. A wooden trestle bridge, which is no longer there, was completed in February 1943 and an eleven span steel bridge completed in April 1943.

This bridge had been dismantled by the Japanese and brought to Kanchanaburi from Java in 1942. The central spans were destroyed by Allied bombings and rebuilt by British Army Engineers immediately after the war.

It was part of the strategic railway linking Thailand with Burma. During the construction of the bridge over the Khwae Yai River - River Kwai as it is known among foreigners - the brutalities of war, disease and starvation claimed thousands of POWs lives.

The bridge was immortalised in the book by Pierre Boulle entitled The Bridge Over The River Kwai and later in the movie of the same name. Unfortunately, he had never been to Kanchanaburi or he would have known that the railway does not cross the River Kwai. It actually crosses the Mae Klong River, so the Thai authorities simply renamed the river to aid tourism!

Attractions information

Giraffe Encounter

You will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the astonishing and fascinating one of the world?�?s tallest mammals and will be in awe of their long necks, rough tongues and adorable ossicones!

Attractions information

Kanchanaburi Province

Kanchanaburi Province which borders Myanmar (Burma) to the north-west is the third largest Thailand's of seventy six provinces.

It is located 130 km west of Bangkok and has a population of about 735,000 of which 54,000 live in Kanchanaburi town itself. This is a most picturesque part of Thailand.

Kanchanaburi town was originally established by King Rama I as a first line of defence against the Burmese, who might use the old invasion route through the Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burma border.

The magnificent landscape & charming beauty of Kanchanaburi have resulted in major tourist attractions including the well-known Erawan Waterfalls, caves which were once inhabited by Neolithic man, pristine national parks, tranquil rivers, virgin forests, and reservoir.

Together, they offer an intriguing experience whether you are visiting for the first-time or returning for another visit.

Whatever your personal interest: fishing, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, bird-watching, star-gazing, golfing, elephants, tigers, jungle trekking or even living on bamboo rafts, Kanchanaburi takes pride in offering them all.

Local residents of Kanchanaburi are engaged in agricultural activities as this is one of the most fertile provinces. Most of the locals are of Thai ancestry with notable Mon and Karen minorities.

Attractions information

Death Railway Wang Pho Viaduct

The Death Railway is a section of the Thai-Burma line which was built to support the Japanese occupation of Burma during World War 2. The Wang Po Viaduct is a wooden lattice structure that supports the railway line around a cliff wall with the River Kwai below and is quite spectacular.

The twice-daily train service runs from Thonburi to Nam Tok station, which is the end of the line now. It is a slow trip as the third class train stops at every little station on the way and the scenery is not so interesting.

However, once the train arrives in Kanchanaburi, everything changes. First off, the train crosses the Bridge over the River Kwai and then follows the river providing some spectacular scenery.

The highlight of course, is the train crawling around the Wang Pho viaduct and it will allow you time to reflect on the 100,000 conscripted Asian labourers and 16,000 Allied POWs who died during its construction. The two main viaducts followed the bottom of the cliff for some distance. A ledge had to be carved out of the cliff face to form a base for the bridge and embankment construction.

Near the station is the Krasae Cave, which houses a fine Buddha figure and offers a spectacular view over the River Kwai. This cave was used by the POWs as a hospital during the construction of the railway.

Amazing Kanchanaburi, Train Ride, Safari Park, Giraffes Encounter  (Code:1500)

Pick a day and people

THB  10,000.00

THB  10,800.00

THB  12,900.00

THB  15,900.00

THB  17,900.00

THB  20,100.00

THB  21,700.00

THB  24,700.00

THB  27,600.00

THB  0.00

THB  0.00

THB  0.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

Travel back in time and recapture triumphs and tragedies on the Bridge over the River Kwai,Take the train along the Death Railway, plus take a short drive to a place where a variety of animals roam freely- lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras and bears, stopping along the way for photos and feeding.

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

07:00 - Pick up from Hotel

Please wait in the lobby of the hotel. If we leave early we'll be out of the city before the rush hour traffic.

09:30 - Don Rak War Cemetery Kanchanaburi

First stop in Kanchanaburi is at the War Cemetery where the local guide will join you. This is the final resting place of 6,982 Allied POWs who died during the construction of the Death Railway during World War II. If wet the lawn cemetery is off-limits.Read More >

10:00 - Bridge over the River Kwai

We'll make a quick stop at the Bridge over the River Kwai. You'll have time to walk across the bridge and take some photos. Please be careful here because the bridge has no sides or safety rails.Read More >

11:45 - Wildlife Sanctuary Safari: giraffes encounter

SAFARI BUS TOUR: The giraffes here will make your day. Their long necks just keep coming and coming to find the food they know is in the bus.Read More >

13:00 - Lunch in Local Thai Restaurant

Lunch will be served in a local Thai restaurant.Read More >

14:00 - Train Ride along the 'Death Railway'

We'll board the train and ride over the precarious Wang Pho Viaduct which was constructed by POWs along the cliff face and high above the River Kwai.Read More >

15:00 - Depart for Bangkok

All good things must come to an end, so it's time to head back to the city.

17:00 - Arrive back at Hotel

You can expect to be back at your hotel in Bangkok around 5:00 pm depending on the traffic.


Attractions information

Khao Keow White Tigers

Khao Keow is a magnificent blend of forests, wild animals, bird aviary and is internationally recognized for its animal management operations.

It covers an area of 2000 acres and has about 8000 animals from 300 species. Six of the newer residents of the zoo are rare white tigers.

Khao Keow is described as a 'wildlife bank' as many animals are on the endangered species list. The zoo is known for its success in breeding some of these endangered animals. One such project is breeding the rare Clouded Leopard. Other endangered mammals at the zoo include the Asian Wild Dog, Malayan Tapir and Tiger.

Rare Asian bird species draw bird watchers from around the world. A walk-though aviary has been built on a mountain slope and presents an appealing environment. The aviary is Asia's second largest. Endangered bird species at the zoo include the Black Necked Stork and White Crested Laughing Thrush.

One of the features is the Wild Cats Park which was originally initiated by the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) under the International Union of Conservation for Nature (IUCN).

This area covering 40 acres has 48 species of wild cats in 8 enclosures. The habitats are desert, grasslands, woodlands, wetlands, rocks and mountain. Each area has species natural to the habitat.

White Tiger at Khao Keow Tour (Code:1112)

Pick a day and people

THB  11,000.00

THB  11,000.00

THB  12,000.00

THB  13,600.00

THB  15,100.00

THB  17,100.00

THB  18,400.00

THB  21,200.00

THB  23,850.00

THB  26,800.00

THB  29,600.00

THB  32,400.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

Khao Keow Open Zoo is home to six rare white tigers courtesy of the Nashville Zoo of Tennessee. The beautiful cats, which are natural not albino, are housed in a purpose-built enclosure in the new cat complex at the zoo.

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

08:00 - Pick up from your hotel

We'll pick you up from your hotel. Please wait in the lobby

10:00 - Arrive at Khao Keow Open Zoo

It's about two hours from Bangkok to Khao Keow and you have all day here. The zoo covers an area of 2000 acres and has about 8000 animals including white tigers. Sometime you can have lunch as well.Read More >

16:00 - Depart for Bangkok

You can relax in air conditioned comfort while the driver returns you to your hotel in Bangkok

18:00 - Arrive at your hotel

You can expect to be back at your hotel by 6:00pm


Attractions information

Kaeng Krachan National Park

Kaeng Krachan National Park, in Petchaburi Province, is the largest national park in Thailand covering an area of 2,915 sq kms. It has a variety of natural charms, such as lakes, waterfalls, caves, cliffs .

Over 400 species of birds and 57 mammals have been found within the Park boundaries.

Kaeng Krachan nestles on the western brink of the country, four-hours drive from Bangkok. It is a wilderness unparalleled for its rich diversity of birds, large mammals and flora and is part of a continuous forest complex covering 30,000 sq km of land spanning the border with Myanmar. The park lies at the junction of biogeographic zones so biodiversity in the area is a mix of Indo-Burmese and Malaysian forms.

Larger mammals include elephant, gaur, sambar deer, banteng, serow, and bear, indo-chinese tiger, leopard, both common and Feas muntjac. Malayan tapir, white-handed gibbon, dusky and banded langurs, Asian wild dog, otter, and wild boar. Among the birds recorded in the park are six species of hornbills, red junglefowl, both Kalij pheasant and grey peacock-pheasant, woolly-necked stork, black eagle, and many species of songbirds, woodpeckers and other forest birds.

Important Information

In rainy season, the national park will be closed Ban Krang and Panoen Thung area from August to October every year for visitors safety and forest recovery.

Attractions information

Lunch in a Thai Restaurant

Thai food has a range of tastes to suit all pallets so please don't make the mistake of thinking that all Thai food is spicy. Some dishes are very spicy but there are many which are not spicy at all. Rather, they are a wonderful combination of sweet and sour.

Thai dishes are normally shared by all.
Thai Cuisine is well-known for being hot and spicy and for its balance of the five fundamental flavors in the overall meal - hot (spicy), sour, sweet, salty, and bitter.

Thai food has four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern, each cuisine featuring locally grown food.

Southern curries, for example, tend to contain coconut milk and fresh turmeric, while northeastern dishes often include lime juice. The cuisine of Isan is heavily influenced by Laos.

Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand mainly by Teochew people who make up the majority of the Thai Chinese. Such dishes include Jok, Kway teow Rad Na, Khao Kha Moo and Khao Mun Gai.

Thai food is known for its enthusiastic use of fresh rather than dried herbs and spices as well as fish sauce.

Kaeng Krachan National Park Tour  (Code:1106)

Pick a day and people

THB  11,900.00

THB  12,900.00

THB  15,900.00

THB  17,900.00

THB  19,900.00

THB  20,900.00

THB  22,900.00

THB  25,900.00

THB  28,900.00

THB  37,800.00

THB  39,900.00

THB  41,900.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

Kaeng Krachan is the largest national park in Thailand and has over 400 species of birds and 57 mammals including elephants, gaur, sambar deer, banteng, serow, bears, tigers, leopards, tapir and gibbons. A morning boat trip across the lake is great.

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

07:00 - Pick up from hotel

We'll pick you up from your hotel. Please wait in the lobby.

09:30 - Kaeng Krachan National Park Visitors Centre

It's about two and a half hours drive from Bangkok to Kaeng Krachan and the first stop will be at the visitors centre. We'll have a snack here before going on the boat.Read More >

10:30 - Boat Trip to Monk's Island

The man-made dam here caused local farmland to be flooded and created a new island which has become home to a small group of hermit monks. We'll stop here and you can walk around the island and visit the temple at the top of the hill.

13:30 - Lunch overlooking the Lake

Late lunch will be enjoyed at a Thai restaurant overlooking the lake.Read More >

14:30 - Nature Trail in the Park

We'll take the short nature trail and hopefully see some of the birds for which this park is famous.

16:00 - Depart for Bangkok

It's time to return to the city so you can relax while the driver takes you back to Bangkok.

18:00 - Arrive at you hotel.

You can expect to be back at your hotel about 6:00pm.

Important Information

To preserve the integrity of wildlife habitats, off-the-road vehicle access is prohibited. To preserve crocodile habitat, rafting is no longer permitted from K.U. Camp to Bong Luk. In the rainy season the national park will be closed in the Ban Krang and Panoen Thung areas from August to October every year for visitors safety and forest recovery.


Attractions information

Safari World

The Ultimate safari experience features hunderds of animals from all over tha world. Highlinghts include Wildife Feeding Show.

You are welcome to take your cay or ride on one of Safari's luxury coaches into the park English-sprarking guides are available on request.

Stretching 8 Km and lasting 45 minutes, a drive through the scenic Safari Park presents a unique opportunity for the closest encounter possible with rare and endangered spceies of the animal kingdom.

Explore Nature's numerous wonders in their original splendor and respond to the call of the wild' while remaining in the comfort of your car or coach. Witness the truly breathtaking tiger & Lion Fceding Show, the only one of its kind anywhere in the world. An exciting and fuifilling andventure awaits you at Safari Park.

Attractions information

Orang Utan Boxing Show

Your cloest cousins will tickle you with their keen sense of humor and dazzle you with their mathematical gifts.

Your cloest cousins will tickle you with their keen sense of humor and dazzle you with their mathematical gifts. It is non-stop entertainment at its best as orang utans dish out trick after trick, from engaging the swing-bars to engaging a coconut! And who could miss the world's first and only

orang utan boxing show starring the funniest and hairiest champions of the olympics.

Whether hanging upside-down or rightside up,be sure to hang out with the orangutans at Safari World!

Attractions information

Sealion Show

Lightouse Cove will never be the same again with its new occupants. This quiet town along the pacific coast will be turned upside down when our Sea Lion friends wreak havoc as they pull onetrick after another.Chiefs of Mischief take control!

Attractions information

Stunt Show

Safari World Tour  (Code:1013)

Pick a day and people

THB  8,900.00

THB  9,900.00

THB  11,700.00

THB  13,400.00

THB  14,600.00

THB  16,500.00

THB  17,900.00

THB  20,200.00

THB  22,905.00

THB  25,450.00

THB  27,995.00

THB  30,600.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

The Ultimate safari experience features hundreds of animals from all over the world. Highlights include Wildlife Feeding Show. You are welcome to take your cay or ride on one of Safari's luxury coaches into the park English-sparking guides are available on request.

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

08:00 - Pick up from your hotel in Bangkok

09:00 - Safari World

Stretching 8 Km and lasting 45 minutes, a drive through the scenic Safari Park presents a unique opportunity for the closest encounter possible with rare and endangered spceies of the animal kingdom. Explore Nature's numerous wonders in their original Read More >

10:00 - Orang Utan Boxing Show

Your cloest cousins will tickle you with their keen sense of humor and dazzle you with their mathematical gifts. It is non-stop entertainment at its best as orang utans dish out trick after trick, from engaging the swing-bars to engaging a coconut! AndRead More >

11:00 - Sealion Show

Lightouse Cove will never be the same again with its new occupants. This quiet Read More >

12:00 - Lunch at Thai Restaurant

13:00 - Stunt Show or Elephant Show

Let Safari World bring you straight into the lawless territory of the wild wild west, where cowboys and bandits jostle for power with the intricate knock-downs, gunfights,bullwhips,fistfights and horseplay. Read More >

14:00 - Dolphin Show

The most intelligent of marine creatures will captivate you with their effortless mastery of the most difficult tricks!

15:00 - Spy War Show and Bird Show

16:00 - Return to Bangkok

Relax as your driver returns you to Bangkok.

17:00 - Arrive back at you hotel

You can expect to be back at your hotel around 5:00pm

Important Information

Stretching 8 Km and lasting 45 minutes, a drive through the scenic Safari Park presents a unique opportunity for the closest encounter possible with rare and endangered species of the animal kingdom.

Explore Nature’s numerous wonders in their original splendor and respond to the call of the wild’ while remaining in the

comfort of your car or coach. Witness the truly breathtaking

tiger & Lion Feeding Show, the only one of its kind anywhere in the world. An exciting and fulfilling adventure.


Attractions information

Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

Waterways have always been an integral part of Thai life and many communities depended entirely on them for their daily existence.

Long before cars, boats of all shapes and sizes plied the rivers and canals through the kingdom of Thailand, trading their wares and delivering their supplies.
The Floating Market at Damnoen Saduak is located in Ratchaburi Province which is just over 100 kms or two hours drive from the capital city of Bangkok.

This is a particularly fertile area, being irrigated by a 32 kilometre straight-line canal constructed by King Rama IV way back in 1866.

It connects the Taachin River with the Mae Klong River and became a major transport artery between the provinces of Samut Sakorn and Samut Songkram.

Apart from providing transportation, Damnoen Saduak Canal also provides year-round water, with more than 200 small canals having been dug by farmers to irrigate their land.

The area is famous for the quality of its fruit, namely grapes, mangoes, bananas, oranges, papaya & coconut.

Nowadays, both sides of the canal are densely populated and bright and early every morning vendors from the surrounding area turn up to trade their wares.

Attractions information

Death Railway Wang Pho Viaduct

The Death Railway is a section of the Thai-Burma line which was built to support the Japanese occupation of Burma during World War 2. The Wang Po Viaduct is a wooden lattice structure that supports the railway line around a cliff wall with the River Kwai below and is quite spectacular.

The twice-daily train service runs from Thonburi to Nam Tok station, which is the end of the line now. It is a slow trip as the third class train stops at every little station on the way and the scenery is not so interesting.

However, once the train arrives in Kanchanaburi, everything changes. First off, the train crosses the Bridge over the River Kwai and then follows the river providing some spectacular scenery.

The highlight of course, is the train crawling around the Wang Pho viaduct and it will allow you time to reflect on the 100,000 conscripted Asian labourers and 16,000 Allied POWs who died during its construction. The two main viaducts followed the bottom of the cliff for some distance. A ledge had to be carved out of the cliff face to form a base for the bridge and embankment construction.

Near the station is the Krasae Cave, which houses a fine Buddha figure and offers a spectacular view over the River Kwai. This cave was used by the POWs as a hospital during the construction of the railway.

Attractions information

Kanchanaburi Province

Kanchanaburi Province which borders Myanmar (Burma) to the north-west is the third largest Thailand's of seventy six provinces.

It is located 130 km west of Bangkok and has a population of about 735,000 of which 54,000 live in Kanchanaburi town itself. This is a most picturesque part of Thailand.

Kanchanaburi town was originally established by King Rama I as a first line of defence against the Burmese, who might use the old invasion route through the Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burma border.

The magnificent landscape & charming beauty of Kanchanaburi have resulted in major tourist attractions including the well-known Erawan Waterfalls, caves which were once inhabited by Neolithic man, pristine national parks, tranquil rivers, virgin forests, and reservoir.

Together, they offer an intriguing experience whether you are visiting for the first-time or returning for another visit.

Whatever your personal interest: fishing, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, bird-watching, star-gazing, golfing, elephants, tigers, jungle trekking or even living on bamboo rafts, Kanchanaburi takes pride in offering them all.

Local residents of Kanchanaburi are engaged in agricultural activities as this is one of the most fertile provinces. Most of the locals are of Thai ancestry with notable Mon and Karen minorities.

Attractions information

Hellfire Pass Museum

The Hellfire Pass Museum is co-sponsored by the Thai and Australian governments to commemorate the suffering of those Prisoners of War involved in the construction of the railway connecting Thailand and Burma during World War II.

You can walk down into Konyu Cutting itself and along the old track.

Hellfire Pass or Konyu Cutting was a particularly difficult section of the line to build, not only because it was the largest rock cutting on the railway, but also because of its remoteness and the lack of proper construction tools during building.

The Australian, British, Dutch and other allied Prisoners of War were required to work 18 hours a day to complete the cutting and many died from cholera, dysentery, starvation, and exhaustion during the six weeks it took to complete.

A new walkway has recently completed down into the cutting which has made things a lot easier. You can say a quiet word of thanks to the builders on the way down. However, you'll still need decent shoes because the rail bed is stony and the rocks are hard on your feet.

From Konyu Cutting, the walking trail follows the alignment of the original Burma-Thailand railway for approximately four kilometres from Hellfire Pass to beyond Compressor Cutting.

Attractions information

Tiger Cubs @ Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. (we will feed the Tiger, age less than one year)

Attractions information

Wildlife Sanctuary Kanchanaburi

Only a short drive into the beautiful countryside of Kanchanaburi province will take you to a man-made habitat where a variety of Asian & African animals roam freely- lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras and bears.

This is the Wildlife Sanctuary.

The landscaping at the Wildlife Sanctuary is beautifully designed and offers great insights into the habits of the animals.

The best way to see everything is to take one of the park buses. Bowls of food to feed the animals - bananas, vegetables etc. The driver will take you slowly through each section of the park, giving you excellent photo opportunities as well as plenty of "up close and personal" time with the animals, most notably the giraffes who will "invade" the bus for some food...great fun!

Hellfire Pass & Tiger Exclusive program Two Day Tour (Code:2116)

Pick a day and people

THB  26,500.00

THB  32,400.00

THB  39,700.00

THB  49,200.00

THB  59,000.00

THB  68,600.00

THB  78,300.00

THB  88,000.00

THB  96,900.00

THB  107,400.00

THB  126,200.00

THB  135,900.00

This tour is not designed for cruise ship passengers. Exclusive cruise ship tours are available from Klong Toey Port and Laem Chabang Port.

If you'd like to visit Hellfire Pass and the Death Railway and second day you get a whole morning at the Wildlife Sanctuary which will be one of the highlights of this memorable. this is the perfect tour for you. We'll stop at the Floating Market in Ratchaburi province on the way up to Kanchanaburi

Do you want your tailor-made tour?

A tailor-made tour is the best kind of independent travel itinerary, designed and arranged just for you and your needs.
All events and activities are part of your very personal, privately guided tour.
Just ask us and we will be happy to make your tour an unforgettable experience. We have been doing this for 25 years and the quality of tailor made tours has never changed.

Request a Custom Tour

Why is a private tour a better choice?

With a private tour, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There is much more room for flexibility and changes to your itinerary at every step of the way because you don't have to consider the needs of other travelers. The flexibility and freedom to make the most of your time is the reason why so many people choose to take a private tour rather than a group tour.

Tour Programme

07:00 - Day 1 Departs.

07:00 - Pick-up from Hotel

Please wait in the lobby of your hotel. We'll meet you there.

08:30 - Floating Market Damnoen Saduak

We'll stop on the way so you can take a boat ride through the floating market. This is probably Thailand's most photographed place and they have lots of tasty snacks which you can buy from the boats as you pass.Read More >

11:00 - War Cemetery Kanchanaburi

First stop in Kanchanaburi is at the War Cemetery where the local guide will join you.

11:30 - Walk along Death Railway

This is rated one of the best rail journeys in the world and you'll especially like the Wang Pho Viaduct which clings to the cliff face with the river far below. Read More >

12:00 - Lunch in Thai Restaurant

We'll stop for lunch in one of the local Thai restaurants.Read More >

13:00 - Hellfire Pass & Konyu Cutting

The museum is one of the best in the country and gives an insight into the construction of the 'Death Railway' connecting Thailand and Burma. You can also walk down into Konyu Cutting and see for yourself the work done by WWII Prisoners of War.Read More >

17:30 - Check-in to your Hotel

Time to check-in to your hotel for the night. Have a shower and relax before dinner.

19:00 - Dinner at the Resort

Relax and enjoy the variety of Thai cuisine in the Restaurant at the Resort.

08:30 - Day 2 Departs

08:30 - Depart for Wildlife Sanctuary Safari Park Kanchanaburi

09:30 - Tiger Cubs, Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

Tiger Cubs with a three difference species 'Leopard, Lion or Tiger cubs' seasonal. Depend on the time when we'll visit! So you'll be able to feed and play with them, this is a very rewarding experience.Read More >

10:30 - Wildlife Sanctuary Safari

The giraffes here will make your day. Their long necks just keep coming and coming to find the food they know is in the bus.Read More >

11:30 - Lunch at Thai Restaurant

From the Tiger Temple we'll drive to a local Thai restaurant for lunch.

12:30 - Depart for Bangkok

All good things must come to an end, so it's time to head back to the city.

15:00 - Arrive Back at Hotel

You can expect to be back at your hotel in Bangkok around 3:00 pm depending on the traffic.

Important Information

Konyu Cutting requires some effort & you need sensible shoes.
